In the painting, a stylishly dressed boy is depicted, engrossed in having his palm read by a Romani girl. With a delighted expression on his face, he gazes into her eyes while she meets his gaze. A closer examination of the artwork reveals an unnoticed detail—the girl is subtly taking off his ring while gently caressing his hand.

The Fortune Teller by Caravaggio is a painting that teaches a critical lesson: Not everyone has your best interests at heart.

Many who appear as friends might actually be after your favor, money, or power.

In the painting, we see a well-dressed man. He is royalty. He has money. He is being charmed by a woman. She seems to be offering a pleasant gesture, rubbing his hand, her true intentions are deceptive. This scene serves as a cautionary tale. The pleasant interaction is just a facade; she is actually stealing from him.

This scenario isn't just about theft; it's about the dangers of being misled by those you find attractive or those who flatter you.

These situations can lead to more compromising circumstances. 

Flattery is risky.  And I think this is maybe the only thing that was missing from the room in the Calumny of Apelles. People compliment you, hold your hand, make you feel important. But often, these gestures serve their own interests, not yours. This reality is particularly challenging for those in power. Because to a certain extent a lot of that stuff being told to you is probably true. 

Who wants to do great things? Who wants to sacrifice all this? Who wants to sit under the Sword of Damocles and not be complimented or receive pleasure?

To combat this, it's crucial to surround yourself with trustworthy people. I've tried to build a team based on trust. I’ve structured compensation in a way that rewards doing the right thing, hoping to create a protective buffer while I'm in the best mental state to do so. This is all to prevent being eventually corrupted.

However, the risks don't disappear as teams grow. Flattery and seduction can still infiltrate. Who isn’t gonna take advantage of a man in power? These patterns are not a mystery. I am not condemning any of these people either. This is nature. This is what will happen.

Another very noticeable thing in the painting is the way the guy is dressed. When you become a person in power, privacy becomes a shield. It's not about being secretive for the sake of deceit but to protect oneself from being targeted. 

For anyone in positions of power or visibility, understanding the consequences of visibility, flattery, motives of people around you, and the importance of vigilance is essential.